Saturday, October 4, 2014

Project 365 - Week 1

Because I can't say no to another blog circle, the chance to mingle with other photographers and improve on skills, I have accepted a new challenge. The 365 blog circle is just what it sounds- we challenge ourselves to snap one photo every day. The photo can be of any thing or anyone and there are no rules.This was a bit of a hectic week but I was able to catch some moments that really hold so much meaning for me. After viewing my photos, please follow the circle around to Jennifer.
Oct 1- This red handkerchief is a trade mark for my grandpa.
Even as a little girl, I remember always seeing it poking out of his Wrangler jeans.
Oct 2- Mason , lost in thought

Oct 3- Sunset shots are something my dad and I share a love of. As I took this photo, he stood next to me on my parent's back porch, taking photos of the same sunset.
Oct 4- What's left of summer. 
October 5th- Lego Sunday, pants optional


  1. I'm glad we are able to do this together! I love the significance in the first shot. This project is great for those details - things you may of never considered before.

  2. Lol! I love the laundry basket shot!! Love capturing those little moments :) I really love what you've captured in the first one as well... those little things that mean so much. Beautiful.

  3. So awesome! Can I say that you should consider bigger pictures on your blog? :)

  4. The red handkerchief gets me right in the feels. Great start to the year.

  5. Love your emotionally perfect first photo! All of your captures are just lovely!
